
Monday, January 25, 2010

Angora Goats, The Love of Raising our Curly Girls

My husband and I have a passionate goal to enjoy a simple life by creating art, enjoying nature, raising animals and to continue a deep appriciation for all things old fashioned. I (Jennifer) have a Bachelors dregree in Liberal Arts from Oakland University where I majored in English and minored in Studio Art. My goal when I graduated was to become a writer, but other than a few independent publications, (poems, nature articles etc.) most of my focus has been on arts and crafts. In particular pet portrait drawings. I have to say that the job found me, but I love animals and I love to draw so it worked out wonderful. My husband has his degree from ITT Technical Institute. (the irony!) He has been a hobby blacksmith for the past 10 years and after losing his job in July has gone full time with his metal work.
Recently, after 8 years of dreaming, we've broken into the fiber art scene. The mohair we sell is from our very own AAGBA registered Angora Goats. We called them "Knit" and "Purl". They were five months old when this batch was sheared. This is their first shearing, which as goats go, is the softest fleece they will produce in thier life. The roving has a great sheen and spins nicely into a very soft pearl colored yarn. We are in the process of washing and hand carding, and are less than half way through. I have around 3 lbs left uncarded, and am willing to sell the washed fleece in it's original curly state. If you'd like to reserve an amount we should be able to ship within the week. We have a limited supply until next spring, when they will be sheared again. We are hoping to expand our herd, and breed the girls next fall. Angora goats are wonderfuly loving, gentle creatures, we are blessed to have them in our faimily. We hope you will enjoy creating with their fleece as much as we enjoy raising our curly girls. We hope to expand our herd in the fall, and perhaps add Angora Rabbits to the mix.
We are passionate about creating in an old world style and supporting artisinal crafts that were made naturally and beautifully. Our candles are made in the traditional hand dipped fashion with wax from a local apiary. My baskets are woven by hand, mostly Shaker style (but I weave in my own little flair) and the reed is purchased from a wonderful local lady who sells out of her home barn. Zach's goals with his metal is to turn cold hard steel into something with an organc feel. And my photography always reflects something in nature. We are eager to expand on our growing farm. Each spring seems to bring an addition to our home. We started with a simple garden and compost pile, then to chickens and ducks. One day we'd like to add our own apiary (bees) but for now, one thing at a time. Please enjoy our collection of work. To veiw our merchandise please visit us at or

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