
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

2nd Annual Iron Oak Farm Vegetable Contests!

I'm blissfully writing this post because it means it's that time of year again! We're in the early stages of gardening season here in Michigan. The second week in May is our tentative frost free date for our zone, but that hasn't stopped me from planning, starting our seeds indoors, and getting the cold hardy crops in the ground.

So far we've planted peas, lettuce, radishes and rainbow carrots. I plan to get the Brassicaceaes in this weekend. We're doing cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli and Brussel sprouts.

The seeds have been ordered from heirloom catalogs, and the local nurseries are opening for the season and filling the shelves at a rapid pace!

Photo credit to last years winner Brian and Karen Cooper of Kaboodle Farm!
I thought now would be a good time to remind everyone about the vegetable contests we plan on having this year. Depending on how competitive you are, it might make a difference in your selection of plant varieties to grow this spring.

Last year we had so much fun with the pumpkin contest! So we will be holding that again. In addition, many of you wrote to me explaining that you would have liked to be a part of the contest, but didn't have the space available to grow a large pumpkin vine. So...we're going to do a tomato contest as well. Even apartment dwellers can grow a tomato vine.

The pumpkin rules are the same as last year. Take a photo of your pumpkin with a measuring tape around the circumference. Largest pumpkin wins! We will announce the winner on Halloween, October 31st!

Tomatoes we're going to do by weight. Take a photo of your tomato on the scale with the weight visible. I was thinking by September 1st? I'm willing to take suggestions on the tomato date. If you think your plants will produce large tomatoes after that date I can push it back. Let me know by the end of the week and we can collectively select a date that allows everyone to participate. The frosts start in our area in September, and the tomatoes aren't really at their prime after that.

I will get the entry forms up as the date gets closer, and will keep the contests updated on the blog and the Iron Oak Farm Facebook Page. Send entries to and I will post them for everyone to see. The winner will receive one of our hand forged items. I'm also looking into certificates so you can brag to your neighbors about your gigantic gardening endeavors! I'll keep you posted!

Don't forget, we always have the Facebook "like" contest going. For every 100 "likes" we give away a prize! Visit our Facebook page at

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