
Thursday, December 15, 2011

Good Read: The Omnivore's Dilemma by Michael Pollan

The Omnivore's Dilemma by Michael Pollan takes the reader through four major systems of the human food chain. The Industrial Food Chain, the Organic Industrial Food Chain, the "Beyond Organic" Chain and the Hunter/Gatherer Chain.

I appriciate the honesty that he brings to his writing. Both in his personal experience, and in his emotions. I don't feel like he's trying to sell the reader an idea. He's simply documenting his research, what has happened in his own experience and how he felt about it. He lets the facts and his very human reaction speak for themselves.

It also seems that Pollan has done what he can to stay involved in his research. Without ruining the details for those of you who haven't read it, he stays as closely connected to each food chain, try as he might, to be involved with how his "end meal is produced by each system.

I liked it so much that I just came from the library with his second book In Defense of Food. Let me know what you think if you've read either, (I miss my college literature days where we would sit in a circle and hash out the details of a good book.) and let me know if there's a book that you think should be on the Iron Oak Farm Good Reads List.

Try saving on the Omnivore's Dilemma with these Barnes and Noble coupon codes.


  1. I have to say after reading this book I found myself even more disgusted with Factory Farms and corn in everything. It has made me want to get back to a more hands on approach to raising my own food and atleast trying to know where my food comes from.

  2. Jennifer, I LOVE Michael Pollan's books. They have made me change the way I view food & the way my family eats as a result. I got to him via Barbara Kingsolver's "Animal, Vegetable, Miracle", as you know. I also read bits of "The Untold Story of Milk" by Ron Schmid (had to return it to the library b4 I was done.) Eye opening literature for sure!

  3. Beth, I'm putting the "Untold Story..." on my reading list. Thanks for the suggestion! I think the most amazing thing is that these books are pointing out how complicated, unromantic, un- human, and impersonal we've made eating, and choosing food items. Makes me want to lead a simpler more pure lifestyle.

  4. Another few more good authors about our food sources are Joel Salatin and Ben Hewitt.

  5. I've been reading a lot of Joel Salatin & Michael Pollan lately. Currently reading "Second Nature" by Pollan (book on gardening). Joel Salatin has some interesting ideas, but is a bit out there with some of his ideas. (He freely admits this last bit.)

    Ben Hewitt? I'll have to check him out. Thanks!
