I never tire of all the amazing things that Spring brings. Especially the excitement of hatching chicks.
Chicks require very little to keep them happy. A draft free area or container, bedding, fresh water, grower/starter feed, chick grit, thermometer and a heat lamp.
Depending on the amount of chicks you have, any assortment of containers will do. Something as simple as a large cardboard box works very nice. As the chicks get older and their feathers develop, they will attempt to fly. We place a square of garden fencing on top to prevent escapee's.
Chicks require very little to keep them happy. A draft free area or container, bedding, fresh water, grower/starter feed, chick grit, thermometer and a heat lamp.
Depending on the amount of chicks you have, any assortment of containers will do. Something as simple as a large cardboard box works very nice. As the chicks get older and their feathers develop, they will attempt to fly. We place a square of garden fencing on top to prevent escapee's.

Fresh water is a must. Chicks will scratch and throw things in their water. This must be cleaned on a regular basis. I've seen chicks fill their waterer with so many pine chips that they absorb all the water in the container. As they get a little bigger you can raise the water up a bit.

Many times chicks need help finding their water dish. If you get a day old chick from a store, chances are, it has never taken a drink in its short life. We take all our chicks in hand and dip their beaks in their waterer. Many times the chick will stand and drink and drink. The other thing you need to look for is pasting up. Chicks have feathery down around their bottom. When they go to the bathroom it can stick to this fluff. If it's not removed it will continue to collect until their bottom is completely pasted up. This can kill the chick. We take some warm damp paper towel and hold it on the chicks bottom until the waste releases. If the chick gets too wet, dry it with a hair dryer on low. This doesn't happen a lot, of the 18 chicks we're brooding, only one had a problem with pasting, and we only had to clean it twice.

We try to handle our chicks as much as possible so they get to know us. If they are small enough when you get them, gaze into their eyes as soon as possible and many times they will imprint on you. A chick assumes the first thing it sees is its mother. If you imprint on them, they will follow you everywhere. Even if you don't imprint on all of them, chickens tend to follow one another. We imprinted on our little Cochin Bantam and she follows us, and the rest follow her. When we walk around the yard it looks like a chicken parade.
Always practice good sanitation. Wash hands before and after handling chicks. Keep exotic birds like pet parrots and parakeets away from chickens as these animals carry diseases that chickens aren't immune to. Never handle a chick or it's bedding/waterers etc. after handling exotic birds. Keep dogs and cats away from your brooder box. Even if your dog/cat has no intention of hurting your chicks, it's presence can stress them out.
excellent information for the novice (me)
very informative for the beginner like me
You make it sound so easy...i might give it a try
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