
Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Incubating Turkey Eggs Video

Our Heritage, Black Spanish turkey hens have been laying for the past couple weeks. Last year the hens and the Tom took turns sitting on a clutch, but the eggs never hatched. This year, I thought I would try for a backup plan with the incubators. Here's a video showing how we set up our incubators to hatch turkey eggs. I'm excited to candle in a few days to see if they are fertile. I'll keep you posted!


  1. I had a pair of Standard Bronze a couple of years ago. The hen tried incubating clutch after clutch from May-September with no luck. There would be developing chicks but they all died at some point. Using an incubator is the best way.

  2. I had a pair of Standard Bronze a couple of years ago. The hen tried incubating clutch after clutch from May-September with no luck. There would be developing chicks but they all died at some point. Using an incubator is the best way.
