
Friday, October 24, 2014

Photo Friday

We've been waking to frost covered mornings, but the smell of the woodsmoke and fresh brewed coffee warms the soul and gets me going in the morning. Over night it seems, the brilliant yellow and orange Maple trees have gone bare and the leaves carpet the ground like a jewel toned tapestry. I hate to rake them up...I think I'll leave them just a week or two more to enjoy the last bit of Autumn color and that satisfying crunch beneath our boots. The Oak Trees are now in their autumnal prime, boasting rust and burnt orange shades, deep browns and caramels. Many times the Oaks will hold onto their leaves until Spring.

Zach and I have been visiting our local orchards, just to take in the sights and smells of this too short season...I sometimes wish it could go on forever, but perhaps that would make it less special. We purchased a bottle of Apple Desert Wine and a jug of Hard Apple Cider from Spicer's Orchard down the road from us. They make the wine and cider on site and these two varieties are our favorites especially this time of year. The Apple wine is delicious with mulling spices.

Iron Oak Farm Acron T-Shirt
Iron Oak Farm Acorn T-Shirt
My mom and I spent Wednesday afternoon collecting acorns and hickory nuts for Fall decorating and nut wreaths. We were a little late in the season as many of the squirrels have scurried away with the nuts leaving only the caps. Some of the nuts have cracked open with growth and tiny Oak Trees are sprouting out the tip of the acorn. I think the acorn is one of the greatest examples of potential. A tiny nut that becomes a giant tree. Fascinating! 

We plan to carve pumpkins this weekend. Though, we have to grab a couple new ones since the turkeys hollowed out our two Jack-O-Lanterns on the porch. They pecked a giant hole in the side of each one and scooped out every bit of soft flesh and all the seeds...oh well. If it makes them happy.

Here''s some sights from this week. Hope you enjoy them.

Tight fisted Queen Anne's Lace withered blossoms covered in frost

Windmill at a local orchard in the sunset

Before the turkeys got to it

Butternut Squash and Jack-O-Lanterns

Frost on the Thistle down

Frost covered Autumn morning

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