
Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Thanksgiving Antiques

As you all know, Zach and I love antiques. This past weekend, we went to Holly, Michigan which is a lovely, quaint little town filled with antique stores. One of our favorite shops, Battle Alley Arcade Antiques resides next to the famous Holly Hotel, which serves delicious one-of-a-kind food and is said to be haunted.

When you enter the antique shop, you feel as though you've stepped into something out of a Sherlock Holmes novel. The walkways are paved in crooked cobblestone and meander this way and that through the old 1890's building.

We can never seem to leave this shop without taking something home with us. Zach, more often than I, finds an old tool that he can't live without, but this time it was my turn.

I fell in love with one vendor's collection of antique Thanksgiving items.

The first is this beautiful cotton feed sack, doting a lovely blue and red turkey. The sack is in incredible condition, no stains and only a tiny tear on the back. I love the way it looks hanging on the wall.

My second find is this collection of Pilgrim and Turkey candles.

Most likely make by the company Gurley.

My Grandmother had a collection of chorus angels that she would put out at Christmas that remind me of these. I loved those candles and was thrilled to see that there was a Thanksgiving version.  

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