
Sunday, December 21, 2014

Meet Emmet

I have the best husband. I can't imagine being married to someone who doesn't love animals as much as I do. But in the same breath, that nurturing spirit can be dangerous. It's good that we have each other to keep things in check. If Zach had his way, we would have a thousand goats. He loves the goats. I love the goats too, but Zach has a special bond with them.

My unbreakable bond is with the dog. I don't even really think of him as an animal, he's the closest thing I have to a child and I treat him like one. No shame!

If I had my way I would fill our home with Golden Retrievers. I may-or-may-not have a fantasy of laying in a pile of Golden Retriever puppies... letting them lick my face and snuggling all that fuzzy cuteness. Oh my gosh, just thinking about it makes me want to squeeze one. No shame!

It's the fuzzy cuteness that gets me every time! Which is why we now have Emmet. An adorable Holland Lop.

And I'm smitten.

He's the sweetest bunny I've ever met. He snuggles and cuddles his little face in my lap while we watch Christmas movies. And he loves to eat greens on my desk while I blog. His favorite toy is a toilet paper tube that he re-decorates all over his cage and he's taking to liter training already!

He's just a baby so his ears are in the process of dropping. Oh my gosh Holland's and those ears. It just doesn't get any cuter! 


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