
Thursday, June 11, 2015

Weekly Farm Tour

Here's our week!

Emmet enjoying some time in the garden
We started haying last week. We got a third of the field cut and baled, about 75 bales...we sorta lost count. There's a lot of rain in the forecast this week so it might be a while until we cut again.
My poppies bloomed beautifully this year. I got 8 flowers! Every year there's two more.
The walking onions are starting to "walk" and form their little top bulbs. I plan on sharing quite a few with friends as they are taking over the bed I have designated for them. So prolific!
Huck is getting big and greedily draining every once from his mother.
Large bumble bee in the garden.
Oliver after an evening game of "fetch the stick"
A small Concolor Fir tree in the back property. The needles smell like oranges when bruised.

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