
Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Chickens! Illustrated Chicken Breeds A to Z Coloring Book Companion Giveaway!

When I was a child, coloring was my favorite past time. Every year I would ask for coloring books, pencil sets and crayons for Christmas. I can still remember the waxy smell of a freshly opened Crayola 64 Color set, complete with metallic silver and gold and the nifty plastic sharpener in the back of the box. Crayola has really upped their game over the years, but in my time, it was the 64 Color set.

Thanks to Sarah Rosedahl and her amazing new Coloring Book Companion to her picture book Chickens! Illustrated Chicken Breed A to Z, I was able to re-visit my childhood and spend a few evenings "staying in the lines" and just creating for the sake of fun!

I can see why adult coloring books are becoming so popular these days. It's a wonderful, relaxing past time, almost meditative, where you can zone out and just concentrate on the color being spread across the page.

Sarah's coloring book would be appropriate for any age level. Both children and adults could enjoy this whimsical collection of chicken images. The combination of the two books is a great learning experience for children to study the different chicken breeds, colors, comb type and reference the picture book while coloring.

She also includes a fun collection of chicken Foe's and Friends in the back of the book. Adorable!

The Giveaway!

Sarah is generously giving away a copy of her picture book and a copy of her coloring book to one lucky reader! To enter, leave a comment below about why you love chickens. You must be a subscriber to the Iron Oak Farm blog and give Sarah's Facebook Page a "like" at Sarah Rosedahl | Artist! Contest ends December 4th, 2015

To purchase one of Sarah's books or some of her lovely artwork, please visit her website at Sarah Rosedahl's Art, Fine art, chicken art, chicken books and chicken coloring books

Sarah's whimsical chickens can also be found at Sloggers Boots! 

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