Saturday, October 18, 2014

The Solway Bottle Holder Cage Watering Trough and a GIVEAWAY!!!

I'm excited to share with you the new Bottle Holder Cage Watering Trough from Solway Feeders. This cage waterer is super easy to install and even easier to fill and re-fill.

It will also fit any recycled bottle including a two liter pop bottle! I like the two liter option because it holds more water and requires less frequent filling. The small trough keeps the drinking water free from debris and the outside fill design gives the caged animal more room inside.

The cage waterer consists of three parts.

To install, simply slip the black trough through the cage wiring. The small design makes it possible to use with narrow spaced cage wire without having to cut the cage.

Then slip the red spacer wedge between the cage and the trough to secure and tighten the trough.

Then attach the bottle ring at the desired height for your bottle.

Fill your bottle and quickly invert it into the vacuum cup.

This design works wonderful for poultry that need to be caged either for quarantine or shows. For more on setting up a quarantine area for your flock check out my Community Chickens Post Quarantine Set Up.

The great thing is that two of our readers are going to win one of these fabulous waterers!!! To enter, leave a comment below with your name, e-mail and a bit about how this waterer would help make watering easier with your flock. I'll choose a lucky winner on Tuesday, October 28th, 2014. If you enter, be sure to check back after the contest to see if you won, if the prize is not claimed by November 4th, 2014 another winner will be chosen.

Can't wait to win? Or maybe you need two? three? The Solway Bottle Holder Cage Watering Trough is available for purchase in the US click here Water Trough. Check out all the great Solway products available for purchase at their website Solway is currently in the process of getting their US website up and running. Products purchased from the United States will be mailed from their Florida location. If you have any questions feel free to contact their US Representative, J.Richard Sabonjohn at

I was not paid to write this article. I only write reviews for products that I believe in and this is seriously a cool product! 


Anonymous said...

I really LOVE that you can use recycled bottles for this setup. I think they would work really great for my rabbits :) Or a broody hen who needs her own space while she sets on her clutch.

Thanks so much for the opportunity! My email is:

Best wishes,


Anonymous said...

I did not realize what a breeze these waters would be !! wow, what a great idea. That would really help when I have to put a gal in a crate for her safety or if i suspect a cold etc. If I don't win one I will most definitely purchase a cpl, the old type waters work but this would keep the water clean and fresh which is a must. Thank you for bringing it to our spotlight reading.

Norma said...

What a great idea to be able to use different size bottles as waterers.
Norma Swartz

Anonymous said...

I have a couple of broody bantams that set off a chain reaction of 'pecking' order change every change of season as they start to sit on a few eggs. Would love to use this watering trough cap in the cage I use to re-introduce the (un)lucky hen that gets to be the one to get their time-out in the cage. I usually pick out the black-sex link that is the most aggressive to the others.
Oh the convenience of watering outside the cage and not cleaning the bottom every time I'm in the barn with the hens.

Kathy Murray said...

I’ve got gads of nipple waterers for my quarantine setup and also for my growout coops, and they always seem to leak water everywhere. There isn’t enough room to put a traditional waterer in a cage for quarantine, or in a smaller coop for little kids before they move up to the big house, and watering dishes are just so unclean and a pain to clean every hour of every day with the bedding they kick into them. This would be a great thing to try out and possibly buy more of!

Unknown said...

I'm the newbie on the block. Just getting my flock started, but I'm loving all of it. I can already see how this design would keep me from having to change the bedding every time one of my babies turns over the waterer (again!)

Unknown said...

I have two bantams who have a hard time getting the hanging water system in the chicken run. Great idea using recycled items and great for my two little girls.

Anonymous said...

Our chickens are "totally free range" 24/7/365/?. So they drink from small buckets and pans near the barn.This waterer would be great for raising chicks or for taking care of injured or sick hens.

Carrie M said...

I am new to chicken keeping. I got my new chickens (2 pullets and 1 hen) and put them in their new home. I went back to work and when I came home found that the hen had basically scalped one of the pullets. I was crushed and my daughter was in tears. I was totally unprepared to separate the injured chicken from the other two as I had no idea I would need a quarantine space. I am more prepared now but this waterer sounds great.

Unknown said...

I already ordered one, could use a couple more. The soda bottle waterer I have used in the past leak all over the place. These look like a good design

lovey2 said...

I really could have use this a few times, I didn't know it existed!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

My rooster could really use this to Keep his Guinness Stout w/Mountain Dew away from the hens.
He has an attitude because his name his Sophie, we thought he was female, and so goes to extremes to prove his masculinity hence the Stout. Please help in his quest.

dutchchick said...

looks easy to use, and to keep clean!

Beth said...

It seems that one of our chickens is determined to kick things into her water, or (even better, I suspect) to dump the waterer over. We've tried a lot of things but never this Solway waterer. I would be thrilled to win one--thanks so much for the chance to enter, and for the information.

Unknown said...

This waterer looks to be easy, quick and simple. I have had chickens for 7 yrs now and always learning new and better ideas. This is one of the best.This will be handy when I have to separate young roosters till I find new homes for them. Buying straight run is not cheaper in the long run.

Unknown said...

It looks super easy to use. I'd love my my little kids to be able to water the chickens, all by themselves.

Unknown said...

What an awesome innovation product that would look great in my coop.

Beth said...

Did I miss the announcement of the winner? I've been checking back, but can't see who won, either here or on Community Chickens. I'm not nagging--I just didn't want to miss out if I was the lucky winner. said...

This would be a fantastic addition to my sick cage! this is the first time I've seen these! I hope I win.

Jennifer Sartell said...

Hi Beth!
The winners were J Walsh and Norma. :) The winners were contacted individually and I announced it on Facebook. The first winner didn't claim her prize in the time allotted, so JWalsh was selected as a second. :)

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